BUS 550: Business Finance
This is an exciting course, a course that explores the distant concepts and exotic buzzwords of finance and explains them in an easy-to-understand-manner so that you can ask intelligent questions of your finance and accounting personnel and understand their answers. Without that knowledge, a manager, whether he/she is in sales or production or marketing, will be ill-equipped to communicate with accountants or financial officers and will most-assuredly be lost and will likely be left behind for future promotions. It often been said that finance is the language of business. One would be well advised to learn it.
This course solves the aforementioned difficulties for someone lacking financial knowledge. It takes us to a fresh starting place in understanding the principles and theories of handling debits and credits and journals to the details of analyzing balance sheets and income statements.
Textbook:Essentials of Corporate Finance by Stephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield and Bradford Jordan. 7th Edition McGraw-Hill publishers. ISBN: 978-0-07-338246-3