BUS 650: Taxation
This is an exciting course that focuses on tax related issues which includes income (corporate, personal), excise and other taxation strategies. These taxes are automatically deducted from your paycheck, or when filing taxes. The examples used in the textbook are “Taxes in the Real World” that demonstrate current issues and show relevance of tax issues in all areas of business. The Corporate income statement, stockholder’s equity, and managerial control functions are also discussed. Upon completion you will calculate and process charges, and percentages of money from income, consumer goods, and services for the government. (IRS).
Textbook:Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities, 2011 Edition by Brian Spilker; Ben Ayers; John Robinson; Ed Outslay; Ron Worsham; John Barrack; Connie Weaver.”, ISBN-978-0-07-813670-2, ISBN-0-07-813670-9.McGraw Hill Publishers.