HRM 430: Training and Development
The major focus of this course is to increase current level of knowledge in the field and enhance awareness of new developments, options and information to include the use of computer technology, internet and web-based as a manner to conduct training. The topics coved in this course will provide structure to explore and institute efficient career development or organizational training programs for various types of business and firms. The understanding of the necessity of implementing the needs assessment and processes of learning which shape the foundation for training programs that provide critical inputs for consideration and design of program trainings that is specific to any organization. Evaluation systems are discussed making productive training and modification adjustments which result when making decisions that compartmentalize programs as worthy or unworthy of being implemented by management. Upon completion of the course a considerations are in order for needs assessments, evaluations, strategic tactics, effective training methods and a wide-range training interventions. Studying these diverse topics will deliver perpetual method, policies and practices that upon implementation leads to innovations of training procedures in organizations.
Textbook:Training in Organizations 5th Edition. Irwin L. Goldstein and J. Kevin Ford, Wadsworth, ISBN # 0-07-353034-4